High Street Bells Choir
Please donate to help keep us singing!
The High Street Bells Choir relies on grants, fundraising concerts and donations to offer the joyful experience of community singing to people who might not otherwise be able to participate.
All donations, large & small, help to pay for admin & technical support, professional musician time and hire of equipment for performances.
Donations to the High Street Bells Choir over $2 are fully tax dedutible (the Choir is registered as a Tax Deductable Gift Recipient).
Donate by Give Now
Donate by bank transfer/branch deposit
Donate to High Street Bells Choir using the below account details. Send us an email to let us know you've made a deposit so we can send you a receipt.
Account name: High Street Bells Choir
BSB: 633-000
Account no: 145825162
Donate by cheque
Please make out all cheques to ‘High Street Bells Choir’ and send to:
High Street Bells Choir
c/o 33 Willsmere Rd
Kew, VIC
Please include your name, email and postal address so we can send you a receipt.